About us

Trade and International Relations Department of TVP Polish Public Television holds an important position in content distribution on domestic and foreign markets. We specialize in promoting Polish films and TV productions at international film festivals, TV markets as well as various industry events. We sell rights for all fields of exploitation in Poland and around the world. Our experience and excellent knowledge of the industry make our activities effective and bring success to our business partners in Poland and abroad. The department consists of a group of highly experienced specialists who will go the extra mile to provide the best service and support to clients from all over the globe.

Director of Trade and International Relations Department 

Magdalena Rutkowska

e-mail: magdalena.rutkowska@tvp.pl

P.: (+48-22) 547 8501M

Deputy Director of Trade and International Relations Department

Paweł Sosnowski

e-mail: pawel.sosnowski@tvp.pl

P.: (+48-22) 547 8501

International Relations and Sales 

International Sales Division handles sales of international rights for films, series, formats, and programs produced or acquired by TVP. Our catalog includes an impressive number of internationally recognized feature films, popular TV series, and animations appreciated by viewers all over the world. Thanks to our collaborative efforts, Polish films and series are available to viewers of numerous TV stations, users of VOD platforms, and also on DVD or Blu-Ray discs across the globe.

Aleksandra Jacków

e-mail: aleksandra.jackow@tvp.pl

P.: (+48 22) 547 5597

Domestic Sales

Domestic Sales is responsible for selling license in all fields of exploitation from TV rights, DVDs, text services, multimedia, internet, phone and telecommunication services, VOD, or public viewing and screening. Our productions are ever successful due to a vast library of content where everyone can find something suitable for them.

Agata Piaseczna

e-mail: agata.piaseczna@tvp.pl

P.: (+48-22) 547 3810

Theatrical Distribution

An important part of Department’s operations involves professional theatrical distribution. We release TVP productions and co-productions in Poland and abroad. A successful film release is guaranteed by the undertaken promotional and marketing activities. We negotiate contracts and handle the logistics related to the promotion and the wide distribution of films in cinemas - both art house and multiplexes. Thanks to our experience and know-how, we maximize revenues from ticket sales.

Renata Banasińska

e-mail: renata.banasinska@tvp.pl

P.: (+48-22) 547 7079