A documentary film entitled "Call me Marianna" co-produced by TVP2 was once again awarded at the International Film Festivals. This time, the film by Karolina Bielawska received the Award for the Best Film and an honorable...
"Call me Marianna" is a poignant story about a 40-year-old attractive woman. As the story unfolds, we slowly come into the protagonist’s life, so we can understand the decissions she has taken. The woman has left the people she loved. She sued her paretns, because that was the only way to amend the data in her metrics. And all of that was done to change sex and just be herself.
"Call me Marianna" is a double plot story. The first part, where she struggles with her past is theatrical, while the second part where she faces some unpredicted situations, which dramatically change her life, is documentary. It turns out that life has written its own scenario, which nobody could expect and the price of freedom and the dream of femininity is very high.