Documentaries, "Ikona" (The Icon) directed by Wojciech Kasperski- co-produced by TVP2 and "Nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo cię kocham" ( You don't even know how much I love you) directed by Paweł Łoziński and co-produced by TVP1 are...

fot. Tomasz Korczyński / KFF
One of the biggest winners of the 56th KFF (KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL) is "Ikona", co-produced by TVP2 and directed by Wojciech Kasperski. The film is a cinematic meditation on the inscrutable human nature from the perspective of an aged doctor who devoted himself to work on the Siberian province. The document received as many as five Awards, including Golden Hobby-Horse in the Polish Competition for a delicate, but shocking film, narrated with great maturity, mindfulness and courage (..)
A picture reminds us that a film can sometimes be a work of art. This one is a work of art for sure. Wojeciech Kasperski received the Award from The International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) and also Maciej Szumowski Award, funded by The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), for special sensitivity to social issues. Tymoteusz Wiskirski, responsible for editing "Ikona" (The Icon) received a special Award of the President of the Association of Polish Filmmakers.
An Oscar nominee, Łukasz Żal, the cinematographer of "Ikona" (The Icon) received the Society of Cinematographers Award, funded by Chimney Poland.
Silver Hobby-Horse went to Paweł Łoziński for a film entitled "Nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo cię kocham" (You don't even know how much I love you) that was co-produced by TVP1. The production of the film took a few years. According to the critics, it is a kind of a breakthrough in this genre. It is a record of a very tough process of restoring mother-daughter relation. In the jury justification, one can be read that this film opens some new spaces in the genre; that it is a humble, but great film.
The Award for Best Short and Documentary Films Producer In Poland, funded by Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce, was granted to Agnieszka Wasiak for an opening film of the festival ”21 X Nowy Jork", directed by Piotr Stasik, which was made in co-production with TVP 2.
In Doc to Lab section, two films that are to be co-produced by TVP2 received honorable mentions. "Najbrzydszy samochód świata" (The uggliest car in the world) directed by Grzegorz Szczepaniak received the Krakow Technology Park Award and also "Wieś pływających krów" (Village of Swimming Cows) directed by Katarzyna Trzaska received the East Doc Platfrom distinction.