"A life is never wasted" a documentary film produced by Polish Public Television and directed by Krzysztof Tadej received Best Documentary Award granted by the jury of the International Catholic Film Festival "Mirabile dictu”...
This year, over 1000 films from around the world competed for the prestigious award called "The Silver Fish". For the first time in the history of the Festival, the award was granted to a Polish film.
International Catholic Film Festival "Mirabile dictu" is held under the High Patronage of the Pontifical Council for Culture. It is one of the most prestigious Catholic film festival in the world. At the Gala Ceremony in the Palazzo della Cancelleria, over 80 eminent film personalities from around the world and the hierarchs of the Holy See watched parts of the film produced by TVP. A special screening of the film took place in the famous 16th century Palazzo Cardinal Cesi near the Vatican the day before the Gala Ceremony.
"A life is never wasted" is a story of two Polish monks slain in Peru in 1991. Two Conventual Franciscans, Father Michał Tomaszek and Father Zbigniew Strzałkowski, both in their early thirties, were brutally murdered by terrorists from the "Shining Path" Party (Sendero Luminoso). They were beatified on 5 December 2015.
The document was shot by Polish Public Television team in the Peruvian Andes and Poland.