“Casa Blanca” received the main award at Margaret Mead Film Festival in New York City

The festival was held in the American Museum of Natural History from October 13 to 16. As part of the festival, 44 films from 50 countries were screened. A documentary film by Aleksandra Maciuszek entitled "Casa Blanca" ...

Casa Blanca, a forgotten fishing town situated at the entrance to the Havana Harbor. Nelsa, a 70-year-old woman paralyzed after a stroke, lives on the first floor of a large apartment house. She shares the lone room of the small flat with Vladimir, her 35-year-old son, affected with Down syndrome. The film presents a close, intimate picture of Vladimir and Nelsa's days, fired by their meetings and partings, dependencies and bonds, moments of joy and moments of conflict. Those days will be marked by the contacts of the mother and son with Vladimir's "adopted fathers