Fot. TVP
- Description
- Cast and crew
- Duration: 82'
- Genre: DRAMA
- Resolution: HD
- Year: 2021
An 11-year-old girl
named Tonia lives in a small town with an overprotective grandma and
an alcoholic father. Her mother died giving her birth. When girl's father
decides to go abroad for work, she tries to stop him at any cost. Tonia's life
is turned upside down when she accidentally learns a dark family secret. The
difficult and complicated story is told through the eyes of a
child who blends imagination and reality. This way of
living allows Tonia to find joy and humour in the most
difficult times.
- Directed by: Marcin Bortkiewicz
- Marianna Ame
- Adam Bobik
- Małgorzata Zajączkowska
- Karolina Adamczyk
- Irena Jun
- Iza Dąbrowska
- Maciej Kujawski