Me and My Tummy

Moje życie XXL

  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 12 x 45’
  • Year: 2020

Eight people suffering from morbid obesity have decided to undergo surgery to remove four-fifths of their stomachs. It is their only chance for a normal and happy life. Before the surgery, they all struggle with loneliness, social exclusion and life on the verge of disability. Even though their life is not a bed of roses, they believe that the surgery will turn it around and help them in reaching their goal. Eating is their emotional coping mechanism to reduce the stress in everyday life. The program shows how eight people struggle with morbid obesity – from the training camp, where under the guidance of a psychologist, physiotherapist and dietician they learn how to prepare for surgery and life after it, to the struggle in their own homes. Ordinary physical exercises, conversations or learning how to eat properly prove to be emotional challenges for the participants who have to face their fears, weaknesses and insecurities. The series shows their pre-surgery struggles, gastric reduction surgeries, and post-surgery convalescence at home, where they try to take their lives back into their own hands and live without their biggest enemy – obesity.


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