- Description
- Cast and crew
- Duration: 78’
- Genre: TV MOVIE
- Resolution: HD
- Year: 2022
A curse hangs over Oedipus
from which he cannot free himself, and its stigma also weighs on his offspring.
The tragedy portrays a man who has spent his entire life fleeing his destiny,
until he finally accepts his fate and its consequences by taking full
responsibility for his crime and exacting his own punishment and penance. A
recurring motif of the play is the epidemic that sweeps the entire city and
destroys the happiness of Oedipus and his family. The problems of man’s
greatness and downfall, his freedom and limitations, taken up in „Oedipus the
King,” are extremely relevant today. Jacek Raginis-Królikiewicz’s film is set
in a world that combines features of antiquity, the present and the future. The
thoroughly modern interiors are combined with ancient styling. Some of the
dialogue parts are sung or expressed in the form of melorecitation. A recurring motif of the play is an epidemic that engulfs the
entire city, eventually destroying the happiness of Oedipus and his family.
- Directed by: Jacek Raginis-Królikiewcz