Double Life of Piotr S.

Podwójne życie Piotra S.

  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 45’
  • Resolution: HD
  • Year: 2012

A truly emotional portrait of Piotr Swend, a Down’s syndrome actor, who stars in one of the most popular Polish telenovelas "The Clan". For almost fourteen years now, he’s been living in two parallel worlds: the real one and the virtual one. In his mind these two worlds intermingle, pervade and amalgamate, forming a one unique world – the Piotr’s world. He cannot easily differentiate what in his life is true and real from the elements and situations carried on by the screenplay. On the other side, the film shows that a Down’s syndrome person is able to learn, experience joy and love, realize his dreams, as well as to go through the complex emotions. The camera accompanies Piotr on the set and in his private life and goes deep into his personal and even intimate sphere.

  • Awards:
  • 2014 New York Festivals World’s Best TV & Film - Bronze Medal


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