Village of Swimming Cows

Wieś pływających krów

  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 78'
  • Genre: PEOPLE
  • Resolution: HD
  • Year: 2018

A hilarious documentary comedy on the meeting of three neo-hippies from Berlin with Polish farmers from tiny village in the Eastern Poland. The main theme of the film is the search for utopian harmony with the nature versus harsh rural life realities.

Ellen, Mario and Jon, members of a spiritual commune – the Spirit Center – head east for holiday and work experience. They make longer stay in a small Polish village close to Belarusian border where they rent an old wooden cottage from the local farmer – Stanislav. What happens when eco-crazy Berliners meet real farmers? Is the new healthy lifestyle only a passing fashion of rich city dwellers or can it really change the world? What does it mean today to be close to nature?

The film shows a new vision of ecological future versus old Polish rural traditions and beliefs with everyday human joys and dramas in the background.

  • Awards:
  • "Man in Threat" Festival – Jury Award


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