- Description
- Cast and crew
- Duration: 52'
- Resolution: SD
- Year: 2008
"Everyone in Poland is celebrating, including our communist brothers. Because they think that this Poland is not that bad and it is not that bad to live in if the pope was born here. Maybe I am the one that's the most unhappy, as I am the primate who lost for my country the bravest and the closest co-worker and helper. However, for the Catholic Church, in order to deepen our faith, I know I should be happy. And I am." - these words were spoken by Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński after Karol Wojtyła was chosen to be the pope. The film describes the relationship between two outstanding and patriotic Poles, who from the time they met trusted and respected each other and thus became close friends. Communists tried to conflict them but failed ultimately. Close friends of both officials share their recollections: Janusz Zabłocki, Jerzy Tomziński, Maria Okońska, Peter Raina.
- Directed by: Paweł Woldan
- Written by: Paweł Woldan, Janusz Zabłocki