- Duration:
- Genre:
- Resolution: SD
- Year: 2010
When asked in final years of his life, while experiencing pain and suffering, if he would resign from his role the pope replied" "You don't come down from the cross." John Paul II's friend, Cardinal Marian Jaworski recalls "He remained grand in his departure to the Lord. He accepted it with great faith and humility, as Jesus once did. That is a great mystery of the pope. It is finished." Both the clergy and lay people share their beautiful memories of Karol Wojtyła, and later Pope John Paul II. Everyone remembers him as a "man of prayer", very modest and full of respect for others. Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski emphasizes that the pope never belittled anyone and approached everyone openly but remained true to his faith and convictions. Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko mentions that while approachable it could be felt that he lived in a different dimension, calling him a great mystic. One of the prophetic decisions of the pope was establishing the World Youth Days. It was a great sign of hope for the Church at the start of a new millennium. "Young people felt loved by the pope" adds Fr. Erick Jaquinet, a coordinator of the World Youth Days.