Don't Let Me Go

Nie pozwól mi odejść

  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 52'
  • Genre: PEOPLE
  • Resolution: HD
  • Year: 2019

Suicide is a growing social problem. At the same time, it is a taboo people would rather not talk about. The film Don’t Let Me Go tells stories of five people who have attempted suicide or whose loved ones wanted to take their own life: a rapper, a waiter, an emigrant from Ukraine, a kickboxer from an orphanage and a ballet school student. The reasons behind their suicide attempts are different, but what they have in common is the reason why they decided to live: they found the meaning of life. For some of them, it is faith, for others, it is the intervention of loving people and doctors. A Catholic priest and a doctor of psychiatry provide their own opinion regarding the problem of suicide in the context of spirituality and modern medicine.


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