Russian Accent in Israel

Rosyjski akcent w Izraelu

Fot. TVP
  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 50'
  • Genre: current affairs
  • Year: 2023

On 24 February 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. In the first months of the war, at least 20,000 Russians emigrated to Israel, and their number is constantly increasing. These are mainly educated people, representing creative professions and criticizing the Kremlin's policy. This is not the first Russian immigration in this direction. The largest one took place in the 1990s, successively expanding the Russian-speaking diaspora. One of the displaced people of that period is Sergei Grankin, the film's main protagonist — a journalist and war correspondent of the most popular Russian-speaking television station "Channel 9". Barbara Włodarczyk's Russian Accent in Israel pictures the life of Russians in the Holy Land over a dozen or so years, their attitude to the former homeland and their position towards the Putin invasion. The image reveals Israel's conservative policy in the context of Moscow and explains its reasons.


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