The Holy Alliance against the Evil Empire

Święty Sojusz kontra Imperium Zła

Fot. TVP
  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 52'
  • Genre: people, history
  • Year: 2022

It is a unique documentary made in the United States, Italy and Ukraine which sheds light on the extraordinary collaboration and friendship between Pope John Paul II and US President Ronald Reagan, whose joint actions were directed against the Moscow-based "Evil Empire". These efforts led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberation of Eastern Europe from communist domination. The film highlights dramatic moments in their lives when both of them survived assassination attempts over a short period. The documentary features, among others, Michael Reagan, son of the former US president, historians, political scientists, politicians, CIA agents, publicists and journalists from the United States and Italy, secretary of Pope John Paul II, Archbishop of Lviv, Mieczysław J. Mokrzycki. The film includes unknown archives from the Ronald Reagan Institute in California containing the president's statements and his private film materials.


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