The War for the Truth

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Fot. TVP
  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 50'
  • Genre: current affairs
  • Year: 2023

The film offers an in-depth overview of the extraordinary information mobilization of Ukrainians and their masterful broadcast, which dominated the image of Russian aggression in the world. Who creates it and how? What forms does it take? How does the president prepare for the daily briefings? What is peculiar about an online war? What messages are most effective? Which lies of Moscow are the hardest to fight? The impact of the film can be determined through reaching the representatives of all cyberfront participants (from ordinary people to the power elite), the little-known backstage of the fight against Russian propaganda and the abundance of illustrations that show the most striking examples of the war in real life and on air. At the same time, it is a detailed story about everyday life amid the invasion and the change in the attitude of Ukrainians towards Russians.


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