Taiwan. Life in the Shadow of China

Tajwan. Życie w cieniu Chin

Fot. TVP
  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 52'
  • Genre: current affairs
  • Year: 2023

For years, Taiwanese citizens have discussed the looming threat of a Chinese invasion. This film explores the tensions between Taiwan and China, delving into the history of the conflict, Taiwan's current state, and the parallels between Taiwan and Ukraine—two nations under threat from powerful neighbors. It raises the question: should Taiwan declare full independence, risking Beijing's reaction, or remain in its ambiguous status? The film features insights from Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister; Bu Gong-Jhih, a veteran of armed conflict with China; Jack Yao, who fought in Donbas with Ukrainian volunteer forces; and Maestro Wu, who forges kitchen knives from spent shell casings found on the beach.


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