8th Day of Khamsin

8. Dzień Chamsinu

Fot. TVP
  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 77'
  • Genre: people
  • Year: 2023

Marek Hłasko—writer, rebel, and carouser—was dubbed the "Polish James Dean" for his resemblance to the actor and the "Polish Boris Pasternak" for his exceptional prose. Fleeing Poland’s political turmoil, he arrived in Israel in the late 1950s. Israel became both his inspiration and a personal trap. Unable to publish in Polish, he worked as a laborer under the scorching sun, all while being tracked by Polish secret police. Documentry intertwines Hłasko's personal experiences with literature, featuring unique archival footage and street photography. It captures the harsh reality beneath the surface of a young, idealized country, as observed through Hłasko’s sharp, documentary-like vision.


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