The Pilecki Report
The Pilecki Report war, holocaust

It is the story of a great WW II hero, one of the bravest Poles in history – Captain Witold Pilecki, who was according to many historians among the most important conspirators of WWII on all fronts. His heroic and sometimes...

The Republic of Children
The Republic of Children DRAMA

In the winter of 1903 a bunch of figures created by the master painter Jacek Malczewski escape the canvas. Fauns, chimeras, vodniks, undines, and other fantastic creatures brought to life by a paintbrush of the famed artist are...

The Soul Sings
The Soul Sings DRAMA

Krzysztof Zanussi is considered to be one of the greatest Polish film directors. His movies are always unique, original and above all filled with shrewd observation and reflection. The director focuses on morality, psychology...

The Stars
The Stars DRAMA

Jan Banaś, who is of Polish-German origin, grows up in Silesia. From his childhood, his greatest passion is football, and his greatest rival – a devoted friend, Ginter. As time passes by, friends’ competition transfers from the...

The Story of Roj
The Story of Roj WAR, DRAMA

It is a rebellious story of a twenty-year-old boy, nom de guerre Roj (which means Swarm), who after WWII formed his own anti-communist guerrilla branch. The film depicts the six-year long struggle of partisans and numerous...

The Tenant
The Tenant DRAMA

The peace of mind of a tenement house in Warsaw’s Mokotów district is shattered by the appearance of the alleged legal owner of the building. Using ruthless methods, the man starts forcing more families to move out. Janina...

Time to Die
Time to Die DRAMA

A black and white film about an elder lady, Aniela Walter, who lives in an old, crumbling villa. She derives from a noble family and she is a person endowed with a great sense of humor and a peculiar distance to the world. Her...


An 11-year-old girl named Tonia lives in a small town with an overprotective grandma and an alcoholic father. Her mother died giving her birth. When girl's father decides to go abroad for work, she tries to stop him at any...

Truth Makes Free
Truth Makes Free DRAMA

1977, Father Jan Zieja, an 80-year old priest, co-founder of the Worker’s Defense Committee, is being interrogated by the Security Service. The questioning serves as an opportunity to revisit the priest’s eventful life,...


An allegorical picture about discovering oneself on a conscious and subconscious level, about reaching out into the deepest, hidden secrets. Through symbols, music and dance it tells a story of a girl gone missing and later a...


Krzysztof Kieślowski was a documentary and feature film director, a graduate of the Łódź Film School and a winner of numerous Polish and international awards for his films including the Oscar nomination, Cesar, Felix and many...

Unwritten Laws
Unwritten Laws DRAMA

Krzysztof Zanussi is considered to be one of the greatest Polish film directors. His movies are always unique, original and above all filled with shrewd observation and reflection. The director focuses on morality, psychology...

Venice DRAMA

The film tells the story of a journey never taken in which the power of dreams helped to transform the flooded cellar of a rural family house into the most romantic city on Earth. The main character of the movie is a young boy...


Shot on multiple locations in Poland, on a budget of 4 million Euro, this epic was drama touches on a little known episode of the 2nd World War – an ethnic conflict between Poles and Ukrainians in the pre-war Polish easterly...

War Servants

The possibility of designing a pathogen that may be deadly to selected people and harmless to others is currently one of the biggest global threats. The film starts with the murder of a specialist in bone marrow...

What a Country
What a Country COMEDY, DRAMA

It is a black comedy with elements of surrealism. In this wacky and delirious political satire, the main characters, including a Croatian army general haunted by guilt and suicidal thoughts, a minister of the Croatian...

Who never lived...
Who never lived... DRAMA

Jan is a young priest who spends all of his spare time helping young drug addicts. His superiors do not approve of his unconventional ways and offer him a study trip to Rome. However, before his departure, the young priest...

Whoever Saves One Life, Saves the World Entire
Whoever Saves One Life, Saves the World Entire WAR/HOLOCAUST

A series of feature films presenting stories of Poles rescuing their Jewish neighbours, friends and complete strangers during WWII. Whoever helped Jews risked being murdered. Most of the time not only the one who dared stand up...