It is a story about the fate of the multigenerational Winny family, woven into the dramatic events of the 20th century. The action begins with the outbreak of WWI and ends after one hundred years, in modern times. The series...
The plot of the series revolves around the character of Marek Kaszowski,
who works as an inspector of Police Headquarters and an assistant commissioner
Joanna Majewska, an officer of Internal Affairs Bureau. Besides dealing...
The action of “Paths to Freedom” centres on the lives of three young sisters who fight for female emancipation. The plot is largely inspired by the memoirs of Polish women from the early twentieth century. The heroines set up a...
The story of the liquidation unit of the Home Army Counterintelligence Section. The action centres on the lives of two commanders, Leszek Zaremba (a.k.a "Onyks") and Tadeusz Korzeniewski (a.k.a "Dager"). The...
It is a widely acclaimed psychological drama series that gives the viewers an inside look into the work and life of five policemen who are officers of the Homicide Division of the Warsaw Central Police Station. The reality of...
An acclaimed police profiler, Julia Wigier, has solved many complex criminal cases, primarily regarding serial killers. The woman has sacrificed her life to work and in consequence neglected her closest ones. In addition, as a...
The series is full of extraordinary cases, original characters and has a
gripping plot. Each of the ten episodes of the series tells the story of a
different crime. The main characters are Kazimierz Proch, his partner...
This fast-paced criminal series presents a unique blend of criminal and
psychological plots. The main character is young policewoman Ada who starts
her dream job at the Polish Police Headquarters. She joins the team led...
A story revealing the backstage of Secret Intelligence Agency operations. When an elite unit of Military Information Services is dismissed, politicians realize that the country intelligence is blinded. A top-secret unit...
Henryk Mikos, a retired employee of the police archive, the man of brilliant memory, works on matters that were dismissed years ago. He wants criminals to be finally brought to justice. While waiting patiently for the right...
It is a story about eminent theatre artists of the young generation. The series begins on the day when a deserved director, after many years of being in charge of the theatre, commits a spectacular suicide. After that, a young...
Gdynia, the year 1940. Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer discovers his Polish origins. It turns out his real father was a Pole. As a result of an elaborate intrigue, Franz decides to become a spy for the Allies with...
It is a
family comedy TV series that follows a group of friends. To raise kids, one has
to grow up. To understand them, one has to stay young. These are the major
dilemmas faced by the main characters, who regularly meet at a...
Leaving the big city behind, a young vet Sylwia rebels against the world
where rules of the game are defined by cynical careerists. She feels
uncomfortable with subtle schemes whose winners climb the social ladder. She
It is a story
about two sisters, Alicja – a brilliant art historian and Ewa – a talented art
dealer, who handles, not always legitimate, orders for wealthy art collectors.
Alicia quits her job as an expert at the Ministry of...
The Lubicz family comprises several
generations and at its head there are the grandparents Maria and Władysław.
Maria runs a drugstore in her home in the Sadyba district of Warsaw. She is
helped there by her daughter Elżbieta....
A tough, stubborn, and devoid of illusions cop in a story of love,
hatred, death, and human emotions, so strong that they push people to crime. The
series shows the price of being a cop: stress and constant exposure to...