The Crown of the Kings

This colourful costume drama is dedicated to the medieval history of Poland. The series portrays country’s glory during the reign of the last king of the Piast dynasty. The script is based on historical facts and enriched with...

The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians
The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians HISTORICAL PERIOD DRAMA

The Jagiellonians is a new season of a smash historical period drama The Crown of the Kings. Its action starts in the year 1399 and it tells the story of the Jagiellonian dynasty, which reigned in no fewer than 14 present-day...

The Darkness
The Darkness CRIME

Each episode of the series has a separate plot that presents some of the most notorious crimes like extortion, kidnapping, murder and others. The main characters of the series are a group of police officers who sacrifice their...

The Deep End
The Deep End DRAMA

It is a strong, real and sometimes even brutal drama series that shows the darkest side of human existence. The series features work of social workers in one of the social welfare centres in a big city. Each episode focuses on...

The Determinator
The Determinator CRIME

It is a contemporary TV series of the detective drama genre. It exposes how informal connections function in business-political-social circles that are always on the brink of law. Piotr Skotnicki, who is a young skilled...

The End of Innocence
The End of Innocence drama

Hania studies at the State Higher School of Theatre in Warsaw. One day, she attends a theatrical premiere of Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) by Adam Mickiewicz, a literary work that is an expression of the deepest patriotic feelings,...

The Entangled
The Entangled CRIME

In case of paedophilia, the definition of the perpetrator and the victim is clear. This clarity might become ambiguous in one of these rare situations, in which the victim tries to pay back the aggressor. The main character was...

The Forest House
The Forest House DRAMA

It is a family story full of love and secrets with beautiful nature in the background. The plot of the series focuses on Katarzyna and her partner Krzysztof, who move to a forest house owned by Katarzyna’s grandfather. The...

The Health Resort
The Health Resort COMEDY

A docu-reality series set in a private health resort. It follows the medical and administrative staff of the sanatorium. Their stories intertwine with those of the resort’s guests. Each of the 64 episodes is a closed-ended...

The Londoners
The Londoners DRAMA

It is a story of the youngest wave of Polish emigrants who decided to change their lives and ventured to go abroad to start anew. London is for them not only a place to work but also a city where they struggle with multiple...

The Mall
The Mall DRAMA

It is a captivating story of three families that initially have got only one thing in common. That is to say, they are somehow connected with a shopping mall. The mall is the place where they meet for the first time, where...

The Pack
The Pack CRIME

The main characters of the series are a group of friends; two of them work as police officers and the third one is a prosecutor. They believe in the saying: one for all and all for one, just like the three Musketeers. When the...

The Passions of Poland
The Passions of Poland WAR

One of the most popular Polish TV series presenting the portrait of Poles fighting with the Nazis. The plot revolves around two main characters, an educated cadet Władysław Niwiński, and a wily Leon Kuraś. Based on these...

The Ranch
The Ranch COMEDY

The series follows the story of Lucy Wilska, a Polish-American who has inherited her grandmother’s country house in the fictional small village of Wilkowyje. On arrival she decides to stay overnight but she feels the place...

The Righteous
The Righteous WAR

Basia is a young nurse and she falls in love with Stefan Kowalski, who becomes one of the major figures in a net of underground fighters. He helps Jewish families to survive in Warsaw occupied by the Germans during WWII. They...

The Secret of the Cipher Tower
The Secret of the Cipher Tower WAR, DRAMA

A story about secret services, war and love. It is 1945, the last months of WWII. The American and Soviet intelligence agents are desperately looking for a secret apparatus – a device used by Germans to decipher...

The Story of Roj
The Story of Roj WAR, DRAMA

It is a rebellious story of a twenty-year-old boy, nom de guerre Roj (which means Swarm), who after WWII formed his own anti-communist guerrilla branch. The film depicts the six-year long struggle of partisans and numerous...

Twisted Fortune
Twisted Fortune DRAMA

It is a Polish TV drama series, based on the bestselling novel by Hanka Lemańska entitled Chichot losu. The main character Joanna is a young, competitive and independent woman. Little spare time that she has is divided between...